To schedule an audition please write to or call 303-933-6824.
Why Play with the LSO?
The Littleton Symphony Orchestra is recognized as one of Colorado's premiere community orchestras. The LSO performs seven to nine concerts annually, including a free children's concert. The orchestra rehearses Monday evenings from 7:15 to 9:45 pm at Littleton United Methodist Church. Our repertoire includes challenging music such as Strauss Til Eulenspiegel's Merry Pranks, Shostakovich Symphony #5, Mahler Symphony #5, and Stravinsky Firebird.
The following positions in the Littleton Symphony Orchestra are currently open:
- Strings
- Viola, Cello & String Bass
- Percussion
- Mallet Specialist
- Harp
These are volunteer positions. Excerpts can be found here.
* String audition requirements: Concerto or Sonata with two contrasting movements and excerpts (auditioner's choice, approximately 5 min.). Sight reading and scales may be requested.
For more information on positions within the Littleton Symphony Orchestra or to schedule an audition, please contact the Personnel Manager at 303-550-5637 (phone or text) or email
Receive free tickets, choose and save your seat, avoid long lines! How? Volunteer to help out at Littleton Symphony Orchestra concerts!
We need music lovers who would be willing to help with the following:
- Publications
- Fundraising
- Ushering and ticket-taking
If you would be willing to become a part of the LSO's Volunteer Group, either call 303-933-6824 or email